Sample / Template / Examples of Questions with Answer for Annual General Meeting of a public company in India for Company Secretory & Management (Directors )
Probable questions With Answers for the year 2013-14
1. Q : Company has investment in ABC Sales .- want to know the return, which we are getting out of the investment.
Ans : Our company has invested in ABC Sales Ltd of Rs 10,00,00,000/-( 1,00,00,000 equity share of Rs 10/- each fully paid) and we are getting the return by way of Dividend as given below.
Year : 2009-10 Rs 50,00,000/-
Year : 2010-11 Rs 50,00,000/-
Year : 2011-12 Rs 50,00,000/-
Year : 2012-13 Rs 50,00,000/-
2. Q : The amount of unsecured loan has increased by Rs. --- lacs and secured loan decreased by Rs ----- lacs. Provide details and utilisation.
Ans : Unsecured loan has increased due to acceptance of fresh inter corporate deposits amounting to Rs ----- lacs from the following parties:
ANZ Pvt Ltd Rs -------- lacs
XYZ Commercial Co Ltd Rs ----- lacs.
Secured loans has decreased due to lower utilisation of cash credit limits. CC utilisation on 31.03.2014 has been Rs --------- lacs as compared to the utilisation on 31.03.2013 amounting Rs ------- lacs.
3. Q : Why sales decreased by Rs ---- lacs as compared to last year. Please explain.
Ans : Due to a major fire occurred in the 1st quarter of 2013-14 and subsequent major breakdowns in the remaining part of the year, our production was low. The details have been provided below:
From To No of Days Reason
19.04.2013 31.07.2014 100 days Fire Incident
20.08.2013 09.09.2014 20 days DG Set Breakdown
10.12.2013 30.12.2014 20 days ELF Breakdown
10.03.2014 20.03.2014 10 days Blast Furnish Repair
4. Q : Inspite of reduction in sales by Rs --- lacs, as compared to last year. why has there been increase in Sundry Debtors by Rs --- lacs. Please explain.
Ans : To Boost ups Sales in North India, Company has revised its commercial Policy & allowed Higher Credit Period for Customers ( Additional Cost included in Product Price).
5. Q : The amount of Stores and Spare parts consumed in Schedule 12 has increased by Rs. --- lacs. Please explain.
Ans : Due to realignment of machineries for installation of Blast Furnish System and frequent breakdowns due to usage of stand in mechanism the consumption of stores & spares have been high.
6. Q : The amount of Rent in Schedule 12 has decreased by Rs. --- lacs. Please explain.
Ans : The company has closed down several of its godowns & branches to curtail costs & has appointed C & F Agents to carry out businesses in those regions.
7. Q : The amount of Repair to Machinery in Schedule 12 has increased by Rs. ---- lacs. Please explain.
Ans : Due to realignment of machineries for installation of Blast Furnish, repair of ELF and other breakdowns, repair cost in the current year has been high.
8. Q :The amount of Provision for Doubtful debts in Schedule 12 has increased by Rs. ----- lacs. (Sundry Balance Written off is nil).Please explain.
Ans : Debit balance of Customers outstanding for over 2 years and with whom no business has been carried in the intarvening period has been provided for amounting to Rs --- lacs.
9. Q : Inspite of decrease in salary & wages by Rs ---- lacs, as compared to last year. why has there been increase in Contribution to Provident & other Fund by Rs ------lacs. Please explain.
Ans : In the current year provision for gratuity based on Acturial Valuation has increased with respect to the previous year by Rs ---- lacs. Hence although salary & wages cost has decreased by Rs ---- lacs contribution to P.F & other funds which includes gratuity has increased.
10. Q :What constitutes miscellaneous income?
Ans : Misc Income includes
Sale of Scrap Rs --- /-
Rent Realisation Rs --- /-
Misc Receipts Rs --- /-
Sundry Balance Adjustment Rs ---/-
11. Q :The amount of Interest on fixed loan in Schedule 13 has increased by Rs.---- lacs. Please Explain
Ans : In the year 2012-14 Interest on term loan taken for puchase of Blast Furnish was capitalised due to completion of installation of the Boiler. As Interest on term loan for Blast Furnish was debited only for 3 months in 2012-13 as compared to Interest cost debited for the whole year in 2013-14, Interest on Fixed Loan has increased.
12. Q : Deposit with Excise & Other Govt. Authorities has increased by Rs.---- lacs. Please Explain
Ans : The State Excise @ Rs 30/- mt is being presently paid to the state government on import of Coke in to Maharashtra. The matter is subjudice and hence being shown as Deposit with Excise & other Govt. Authorities.
13. Q : The amount of Security deposits have increased by Rs. --- lacs. Please explain
Ans : According to the Commercial Policy , thrust was given on making dealers all over India provided they submit security deposit with the company. Lots of dealers were appointed for sale of materials.
14. Q : Status of Merger with M/s AYS Computers.
Ans : Merger is under process.