Template for lifetime registration Covering Letter for filling application form for E - Action
November 30, 2012
New Delhi 458 987
Ravi Kundu
M/s State Transport Corporation Ltd
Taj Centre
4/1 M G Road
Attn : Mr Ashok Malhotra
Dear Sirs,
Sub : Renewal charges for lifetime registration
of our company for e-booking/auction of coke
by STC Ltd., Khapoli, Mumbai
Reg : Registration No.----------
Please note that we have already registered ourselves over internet for participation in e-booking / auction for Coke and our buyer Ref. No. is Rocket Sales Corporation Ltd./------. In this connection, we are enclosing herewith Pay Order No.-------- dtd.29.11.12 for Rs.-------/- (Rupees ------------------------- only) drawn on ICICI Bank payable at New Delhi towards renewal charges for lifetime.
You are requested to please do the needful so that we can participate in e-booking / auction of coal, which will be held in the month of December 2013.
Your immediate action in this regard will be highly appreciated.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
For Rocket Sale Corporation Ltd.
General Manager (Purchase)
Encl. As above