Template Example of Request Letter for intimation / invitation for participation in E Auction in India in word/ .doc Format
June 22, 2013
24/1 Dariyaganj Road New Delhi – 101 121
RSL/ STC/ 2013-14/ 012
M/s State Trading Corporation
Kailash Bhavan
Attn : Mr Anil Jain
Ref : Auction No. STC/ Coke / 13-14/ 582 dtd.18.06.13
Dear Sirs,
This is to inform you that we have not received the sale intimation letter on E-mail against the above mentioned auction No.582 dtd.18.0.13.
Therefore, you are requested to please arrange to send us sale intimation letter on our Fax No. ------ or E-mail : admin@rocketsales.com.
Your cooperation will be highly appreciated in this regard.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
For Rocket Sales Ltd.
Neetu Singh