Analytical Review Procedures Auditing for Debtors Outstanding
Analytical Review Procedures:-
At each period end (i.e. quarterly, six monthly etc.) the Department should carry out division wise and segregating individual / commercial sale, the following analytical review procedures:
Analytical Review Procedures:-
At each period end (i.e. quarterly, six monthly etc.) the Department should carry out division wise and segregating individual / commercial sale, the following analytical review procedures:
- A comparison of the relationship between current year debtor balances and the current year sales with the corresponding figures for the previous period after due consideration of the company’s credit policy.
- Comparison of the current year’s ageing schedule with the corresponding figures for the previous period.
- Comparison of the debtor’s turnover ratio with the same for the preceding period.
- AR Ageing Report by Due Date
- AR Ageing Report by Invoice Date
- Customer Statement.