Sample Template Example of Request Letter Format to Bank for Extra Time for Financial Documents Submission in Word / Doc / Pdf Free Download
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[DATE, ex. Wednesday, June 11, 2014]
John Smith
XYZ Bank
1234 First Street
Suite 567
Anycity, Anystate 85245]
Dear [NAME, ex. John Smith],
According to the terms of our credit facility, we are required to provide you with our annual financial statements within 90 days following our fiscal year end ([DATE OF YEAR END, ex. March 31, 1998]).
[EXPLAIN REASON FOR DELAY IN PREPARATION OF STATEMENTS, ex. As you are aware, we have recently updated our accounting system software, and have been experiencing some difficulties in reconciling accounts. Our technicians are working with the software vendor to address these problems, however we do not anticipate having this resolved for a few more weeks].
We would therefore respectfully request that you provide us with an additional [ADDITIONAL DELAY PERIOD REQUESTED, ex. sixty (60) days] to provide you with the statements. We will, of course, try to provide you with them earlier, however we are confident that the delays will not set us back any longer than this.
Thank you in advance for your anticipated co-operation. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions.
[YOUR NAME, ex. Jill Jones]
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