Sample Template Example of Payment Extension Request Letter in Word / Doc / Pdf Free Download
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Email / Letter Format to Supplier / Vendor / Bank Requesting To Allow Delay in Payment With Reasons
[DATE, ex. Wednesday, June 11, 2015]
John Smith
XYZ Inc.
1234 First Street
Suite 567
Anycity, Anystate 85245]
Dear [NAME, ex. John Smith],
[THANK AND COMPLIMENT SUPPLIER FOR PRODUCT/SERVICE, ex. We found your cleaning and disposal services to be exceptional. Indeed, our construction sites have never looked better!]
I have received your invoice #[INVOICE NUMBER] in the amount of $[AMOUNT]. [STATE WHETHER AN INTERIM PAYMENT IS ENCLOSED, ex. I have enclosed our check #4242 for $3,000.00.] [STATE REASON, ex. As you may know, the recent brick-layer strike has adversely but only temporarily affected our liquidity]. Since we wish to continue to do business together, I regret that we forced to remit the balance [DATE, ex. in two weeks].
Although I am confident you understand our situation, allow me to apologize for the delay and assure you that this is an isolated request.
[YOUR NAME, ex. Jill Jones]
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