Post Customer Invoice Parked Document
Document parking can be use to enter and store (park) incomplete documents in the SAP System, without carrying out extensive entry checks. Parked documents can be completed, checked and then posted at a later date - if necessary by a different data entry Clerk.
Parked documents can be post either individually or via a list. To post several parked documents via a list, the system issues a list of parked document for you to choose from. From this list, you can then carry out any necessary post-processing to parked documents that could not be posted due to missing information such as a cost accounting assignment.
1.1. Access transaction by:
To post a parked general ledger document
Business Process Procedure Overview :-
Business Process Procedure Overview :-
Document parking can be use to enter and store (park) incomplete documents in the SAP System, without carrying out extensive entry checks. Parked documents can be completed, checked and then posted at a later date - if necessary by a different data entry Clerk.
Parked documents can be post either individually or via a list. To post several parked documents via a list, the system issues a list of parked document for you to choose from. From this list, you can then carry out any necessary post-processing to parked documents that could not be posted due to missing information such as a cost accounting assignment.
T Code:- FBV0
Input – Required Fields | Field Value/Comments |
Company Code | Enter Company Code – 1000 |
Document Number | Enter The Parked Document Number |
Fiscal Year | Enter Fiscal Year |
Output - Results | Comments |
Parked document posted. | The data in parked documents is deleted when they are posted, a document is written to the document database and the appropriate data (transaction figures |
Etc.) is updated. |
Procedural Steps
Via Menus | Accounting -> Financial Accounting -> General Ledger -> Document -> Parked Documents -> Post/Delete |
Via Transaction Code | FBV0 |
1.2. On screen “Post Parked Document : Initial Screen”, enter information in the fields as specified in the table below:
Field Name | Description | R/O/C | User Action and Values |
Company Code | 4 character identifier of an organizational unit within external accounting. | R | Enter company code 1000 |
Document number | Identifier for an accounting document | R | Enter the parked document number. |
Fiscal Year | Identifies the period for which the company use to create its balance sheet | R | Enter the fiscal year. |
Press Tick to continue |
System shows the parked document details. Click “Simulate” Button. The document entries along with the tax line items will be shown by the system.
Double Click on the Tax line item and go back. Do same thing for the second line item also. Since these line items are automatically created by the system and the business area is a required field to be entered, by double clicking the line items system fills up business area automatically. If this action is not done then system does not allow users to save the document.
Click on “POST” Button and if no errors exist, system automatically posts the document giving the posted document number.
Change Parked Document
Business Process Procedure Overview:-
Document parking can be use to enter and store (park) incomplete documents in the SAP System, without carrying out extensive entry checks. Parked documents can be completed, checked and then posted at a later date - if necessary by a different data entry clerk.
Parked document may also be changed. Changing a parked document is broken up to two transaction codes: FBV2 and FBV4. To change line items details transaction code FBV2 should be use while transaction code FBV4 is use to change header detail. This DZP will illustrate the process to change line item detail, transaction code FBV2. Refer to DZP on “Change Header Detail” to view more information on changing a parked document’s header detail.
1.1. Change a park document transaction by:
1.2. On screen “Change Parked Document: Initial Screen”, enter information in the fields as specified in the table below:
Change Parked Document
Business Process Procedure Overview:-
Document parking can be use to enter and store (park) incomplete documents in the SAP System, without carrying out extensive entry checks. Parked documents can be completed, checked and then posted at a later date - if necessary by a different data entry clerk.
Parked document may also be changed. Changing a parked document is broken up to two transaction codes: FBV2 and FBV4. To change line items details transaction code FBV2 should be use while transaction code FBV4 is use to change header detail. This DZP will illustrate the process to change line item detail, transaction code FBV2. Refer to DZP on “Change Header Detail” to view more information on changing a parked document’s header detail.
Input – Required Fields | Field Value/Comments |
Company Code | Enter Company Code – 1000 |
Document Number | Enter The Parked Document Number |
Fiscal Year | Enter Fiscal Year |
Procedural Steps
1.1. Change a park document transaction by:
Via Menus | Accounting -> Financial Accounting -> General Ledger -> Document -> Parked documents -> Change |
Via Transaction Code | FBV2 |
Field Name | Description | R/O/C | User Action and Values | Comments |
Company Code | 4 character identifier of an organizational unit within external accounting. | R | Enter company code. 1000 | Use the drop down menu. |
Document number | Identifier for an accounting document. | R | Enter the parked document number. | |
Fiscal Year | The year to which the park document was created. | R | Enter the fiscal year. | |
1.3. Click on Tick to continue.
1.4. On screen “Change Parked Document: Overview” double click on the line item to make changes.
1.5. Once all the changes are complete, click on the “Save” button to update your changes.
Display Parked Document
Business Process Procedure Overview:-
Document parking can be use to enter and store (park) incomplete documents in the SAP System, without carrying out extensive entry checks. Parked documents can be completed, checked and then posted at a later date - if necessary by a different data entry clerk.
Parked documents may be display individually or via a list.
Procedural Steps
1.4. On screen “Change Parked Document: Overview” double click on the line item to make changes.
1.5. Once all the changes are complete, click on the “Save” button to update your changes.
Display Parked Document
To display a parked document
Document parking can be use to enter and store (park) incomplete documents in the SAP System, without carrying out extensive entry checks. Parked documents can be completed, checked and then posted at a later date - if necessary by a different data entry clerk.
Parked documents may be display individually or via a list.
Input – Required Fields | Field Value/Comments |
Company Code | Enter Company Code – 1000 |
Document Number | Enter The Parked Document Number |
Fiscal Year | Enter Fiscal Year |
Output - Results | Comments |
Display Parked document | Park documents may be display individually or via a list. |
1.1. Access transaction by:
1.2. On screen “Display Parked Document : Initial Screen”, enter information in the fields as specified in the table below:
(Note: On Above table in column “R/O/C”, “R” = Required, “O” = Optional, “C” = Conditional)
Incoming payment of customer received against On Account then entry will be done as given below procedure:
Via- Accounts Receivable -> Document Entry -> Incoming Payments-F-28
Via Menus | Accounting -> Financial Accounting -> General Ledger -> Document -> Parked Documents -> Display |
Via Transaction Code | FBV3 |
Field Name | Description | R/O/C | User Action and Values | Comments |
Company Code | 4 character identifier of an organizational unit within external accounting. | R | Enter company code 1000 | Use drop down menu |
Document number | Identifier for an accounting document | R | Enter the parked document number. | |
Fiscal Year | Identifies the period for which the company use to create its balance sheet | R | Enter the fiscal year. | |
Click on the Tick to display parked document. | ||||
Alternatively, a list of parked document may be display by leaving blank the “Document number” field and clicking on the “List” button located on the upper left corner of the display parked document screen. From the list of parked document, the user may drill down on specific parked document to view the details. |
Incoming payment of customer received against On Account then entry will be done as given below procedure:
Via- Accounts Receivable -> Document Entry -> Incoming Payments-F-28
Fill all criteria as below display. Then push process open items button.
When post incoming payments process open item display then click back arrow and go to back and now fill other line item for select 15 (incoming payments) and customer code after that press enter.
When post incoming payments process open item display then click back arrow and go to back and now fill other line item for select 15 (incoming payments) and customer code after that press enter.
Then give amount as symbol ‘*’ , Bus. Place/Sect – 1000, Bus. Area-1001, Assignment
Then simulate and save