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Reminder Letter Sample Format for Payment

Example Template of Old Pending Overdue Outstanding Payment Reminder Letter with Legal Notice in word/ .doc in India

Date : …………………..

Name of Debtor

Dear Sirs,
Sub: Outstanding Dues

On a review of our outstanding list against debtors it is seen that a sum of Rs. ……………. /- (Rupees …………………………………………..Only) is long overdue and payable by you towards supply of HR Coils by us. Our relations as suppliers and purchasers had been cordial and we expect to maintain such relations in future.

We feel that the non-payment of such amount from your side is due to some compelling circumstances or due to some mismatch in the outstanding figures. In case you feel that any part of the outstanding is disputed; we request you to please pay the undisputed amount of outstandings according to you immediately and for the disputed outstandings you can sit with our representatives to reconcile the accounts and thereafter the disputed outstandings can be amicably settled.

However, you will appreciate that being a limited company we are accountable to our shareholders and other stakeholders for the undisputed amounts outstanding beyond the agreed terms against our supplies.

In such circumstances we will be reluctantly compelled to take recourse to legal steps for realising the outstanding dues much to the disliking of both the parties and which directly or indirectly affects badly the reputation and goodwill and credibility of the purchaser in the market and its business activities.

Looking forward to your reply and thanking you in anticipation

Thanking You,
Yours faithfully,

Authorized Signatory

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