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MISC CASE NO.12302 OF 2017
(Arising out of W.P.(C) no.7987 of 2017)
In the matter of:- An application under chapter VI, Rule 27 of the Bihar High Court Rules
In the matter of: An application for appropriate order for restoration of order dt.16.05.2017 of this Hon’ble Court in the even to return of notices without service upon opp. parties no.1, 2 & 3 which were dispatched at their Regd. office address as mentioned in S.P.A. which implies their abandonment and the Opp. Party No.4 had already submitted its inability for their appearance.
……….Opp. Parties
The Hon’ble Shri Suresh Sarkar, B.Sc. LL.B the Chief Justice of Bihar High Court and His Lordships Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble Court.
The humble petition of the Petitioner above named
1. That, the Petitioner filed the above said writ application challenging the illegal action of the Opp. Parties, in not paying the legitimate dues of all the Employees of HIWL not paying the VRS/ VSS dues on the basis of Govt. policy, and not paying the current salary as the Cut off date is not determined and VRS/VSS options are not yet accepted or in alternative cancellation of Share Purchase Agreement (SPA) in the event of report of Deputy Labour Commissioner.
2. That, this Misc. case may kindly be treated as part of the Writ Application.
3. That, in the above context it is pertinent to mention here that, after kind intervention of this Hon’ble Court, the Opp. Party No.10, had finally submitted the final dues statements of all the employees of HIWL as per its Affidavit dt. 16.05.2017, and after hearing on the said matter and also the inability shown by the opp. party no.4, to pay such dues of the employees, this Hon’ble Court had been pleased to pass kind order on dt.16.05.2017 for auction of the said factories as was directed by your Lordships kind order dt.16.05.2017.
4. That, while the matter was such, it was subsequently revealed that the notices were unserved upon the opp. parties in this case, even though they had contested in W.P.(C) No.12519/2014. So in the interest of justice this Hon’ble Court had been pleased to pass kind order vide order dt.22.05.2017 in which the order dt.16.05.2017 was recalled and direction was given for fresh notice to Opp. Parties, No.1, 2 & 3 through speed post with A.D. at their correct Address i.e. at their Regd. Office Address as mentioned in S.P.A.
4. That, in the above context it is pertinent to mention here that, as per kind order of this Hon’ble Court dt. 22.05.2017, fresh steps were taken for issue of notice to the said Opp. Parties by the Petitioner and accordingly notices were issued. But the said notices were also returned without serves as per report in S.R. which indicates that the said Opp. parties have abandoned the said factory and the Opp. party No.4 had already expressed its inability for their appearance before this Hon’ble Court. so in the even, it is submitted by the Petitioner that the kind order dt.16.05.2017 may kindly be restored due to the above said facts and circumstances by looking into the misery of all the employees as the employees of the said factory have not received any salary since last 5 years and also in the interest of justice
6. That, in the above context it is pertinent to mention here that, for the protection of life and liberty of all the employees of the said factory and also in the interest of justice, the said kind order of this Hon’ble Court dt.16.05.2017 may kindly be restored due to above said facts and circumstances which depends on your Lordships kind consideration for the protection of natural justice.
7. that, unless this Hon’ble Court may kindly intervene in this matter, then all the employees who are suffering a lot since last five years and day by day committing suicide due to acute financial problems, then the employees will be debarred to get proper natural justice and side by side they will sustain irreparable loss which can not be fulfilled by any other means.
8. That, due to the above said facts and circumstances the Petitioner finding no other alternative efficacious speedy remedy, files this case before your Lordship for your Lordships kind consideration for appropriate order to restore the kind order dt.16.05.2017, due to above said facts and circumstances within a stipulated time as fixed by your Lordships for the protections of law and also for the protection of natural justice to all the employees.
It is therefore, humbly prayed that, your Lordships may graciously be pleased to allow this case and appropriate order may kindly be passed by directing to restore the kind order dt.16.05.2017, due to above said facts and circumstances for the protection of law and also in the interest of justice.
And / or
Any other order/ orders, direction/ directions as your lordships may deem fit to be proper, can pass in the interest of justice.
For such act of your lordships to kindness, the Petitioner as in duty bound shall ever pray.
Cuttack by the Petitioner through
Date:21.08.2017 Advocate
I, Sri, Rajendra Kumar, aged about 51 years, S/o Harihar Kumar, representing as General Secretary of Sanatan Industrial Union of HIWL, as well as all the employees, At/, Chhapra Dist. Saran, do hereby solemnly affirm and state as follows:-
1. That I am the Petitioner in this Misc. case.
2. That the facts stated in this petition are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Identified by
Certified that due to want of cartridge paper White papers have been used.
Date: 21.08.17 Advocate
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