West Bengal Transport Development Limited
24/58 N S Road, Star Building, 10th Floor Kolkata – 700 001
Certified true copy of the Board Resolution of the Board of Directors of M/s West Bengal Transport Development Limited passed at a meeting of the Board held on 21st day of June, 2026 at the Registered office of the company at 24/58 N S Road, Star Building, 10th Floor Kolkata – 700 001 and duly recorded in the Minute Book of the company.
Board Resolution Format for Closure of a Current Account
“RESOLVED that the Current Banking Account No. 12345 of the Company maintained with The Dhanalakshmi Bank Limited, Ideal Plaza (Ground Floor), 11/1 Sarat Bose Road, Kolkata be closed.”
“FURTHER RESOLVED that any one of the Authorised Signatories to the Bank be and is hereby authorised to take necessary action in this regard.”
“RESOLVED FURTHER that the Bank be requested to issue a Pay Order, in respect of the amount lying into the Credit of the above Account in favour of M/S WEST BENGAL TRANSPORT DEVELOPMENT LIMITED.”
Certified to be true copy
For West Bengal Transport Development Ltd.