Form Format For Employees VRS application
in Word
Form of Option by the Employee
regarding VRS
(The applicant is required to fill up the format in
his/her own handwriting in capital letters)
Name of the applicant —
Employee Code –
Date of birth of the applicant —
Name of the Father/husband of the applicant —
Permanent address of the applicant —
Present address of the applicant —
Date of Joining in the Job —
Designation of the post held —
Period of service —
Whether seeking for V.R.S (V.R. / V.S) —
Identity proof of the applicant —
The aforestated option is being exercised pursuant to the advertisement published in the local daily ‘The Samaj’ dated 11.04.2025 and the same is in independent volition without any extraneous consideration and it is further stated that the facts stated above are true to the best of my knowledge.
Place: Full name along with
Date: signature of the applicant
* The present option exercised by the applicant is information only and the management reserves its discretion regarding acceptance of the application. The employees would be required to submit separate application under the scheme once their option as exercised herein above is accepted by the management.