Form No. MGT - 9 Format with Annual Return Extract in Word
Form No. MGT - 9
Extract of Annual
As on the Financial
Year ended 31.03.2025
[Pursuant to Section 92(3) of the Companies Act, 2013 and Rule 12(1) of the Companies (Management and Administration) Rules, 2014]
I. Registration and other details :
I) CIN : U70101WB1994PTC0123456
II) Registration Date :
Iii) Name of the Company : Stabnet Private Limited
Iv) Category / Sub-Category : Company limited by shares/Indian non govt company
V) Address of Registered Office : 25/2 K L Road, B Wing, 26th
Floor, Anil Tower, 6, M. G. Road,
Vi) Whether listed company : No
Vii) Name, Address & contacts of RTA : N.A.
II. Principal Business Activities of
the Company :
All the business
activities contributing 10% or more of the total turnover of the Company : N.A.
- As
there were no operations carried out during the period under review.
S. No. | Name and Description
of main products / services | NIC Code of the
Product / Service | % to total turnover
of the Company |
01 | Plastic fibre and
fabrics, rubber products | 221, 2030 | N.A. |
III. Particulars of Holding, Subsidiary
and Associate Companies :
All the business
activities contributing 10% or more of the total turnover of the Company : N.A.
- As
there were no operations carried out during the period under review.
S. N. | Name and Address of
the Company | CIN | Holding /
Subsidiary/ Associate | % of shares held | Applicable Section |
01 | Ajay Traders Pvt Ltd
| U74999WB2012PTC123456 | Holding | 99.95 | 2(46) & 2(87) |
IV. Share Holding Pattern (Equity Share
Capital break-up as percentage of total equity :
I) Category-wise Share Holding
Category of
Shareholders | No. of Shares held
at the beginning of the year | No. of Shares held
at the beginning of the year | % change during the
year | ||||||
| Demat | Physical | Total | % of total shares | Demat | Physical | Total | % of total shares | 2(46) & 2(87) |
A. Promoters (1) Indian Sub-total (A)(1)
(2) Foreign Sub-total (A)(2)
Total shareholding
of Promoter (A) = (A)(1)+(A)(2) |
- - - -
- |
- - - -
- |
- - - -
- |
- - - -
- |
- - - -
- |
- - - -
- |
- - - -
- |
- - - -
- |
- - - -
- |
B. Public
Shareholding 1. Institutions Sub-total (B)(1)
2. Non-Institutions Bodies Corporate -
Indian Indivuals Sub-total (B)(2)
Total Public
shareholding (B) = (B)(1)+(B)(2) |
- -
- - -
- |
- -
9995 5 10000
10000 |
- -
9995 5 10000
10000 |
- -
99.95 0.05 100
100 |
- -
- - -
- |
- -
9995 5 10000
10000 |
- -
9995 5 10000
10000 |
- -
99.95 0.05 100
100 |
- -
- - -
- |
C. Shares held by
custodian for GDRs & ADRs |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Grand Total (A+B+C) |
- |
10000 |
10000 |
100 |
- |
10000 |
10000 |
100 |
- |
(ii) Shareholding of Promoters : NIL
S.N. | Shareholder’s Name | Shareholding at the
beginning of the year | Shareholding at the
end of the year |
| ||||
| | No. of shares | % of total shares of
the Company | % of shares Pledged
/ encumbered to total shares | No. of shares | % of total shares of
the Company | % of shares Pledged
/ encumbered to total shares | % change during the year |
| Total |
(iii) Change in Promoters’ Shareholding : NIL
S.N. | | Shareholding at the
beginning of the year | Cumulative
Shareholding during the year | ||
| | No. of shares | % of total shares of
the Company | No. of shares | % of total shares of
the Company |
| At the beginning of
the year |
| Date wise increase /
decrease in promoters shareholding during the year specifying the reasons for
increase / decrease (e.g. Allotment / transfer / bonus / sweat equity etc) |
| At the end of the
year |
(iv) Shareholding Pattern of top ten
Shareholders (other than Directors, Promoters and holders of GDRs and ADRs) : NIL
S.N. | | Shareholding at the
beginning of the year | Cumulative
Shareholding during the year | ||
| For each of the top 10 shareholders | No. of shares | % of total shares of
the Company | No. of shares | % of total shares of
the Company |
| At the beginning of
the year |
| Date wise increase /
decrease in promoters shareholding during the year specifying the reasons for
increase / decrease (e.g. Allotment / transfer / bonus / sweat equity etc) |
| At the end of the
year |
(v) Shareholding of Directors and Key
Managerial Personnel : N.A.
S.N. | | Shareholding at the
beginning of the year | Cumulative
Shareholding during the year | ||
| For each of the Directors and KMP | No. of shares | % of total shares of
the Company | No. of shares | % of total shares of
the Company |
| At the beginning of
the year |
| Date wise increase /
decrease in promoters shareholding during the year specifying the reasons for
increase / decrease (e.g. Allotment / transfer / bonus / sweat equity etc) |
| At the end of the
year |
V. Indebtedness : Nil
of the Company including interest outstanding / accrued but not due for payment
| Secured Loans
excluding deposits | Unsecured Loans | Deposits | Total Indebtedness |
Indebtedness at the
beginning of the financial year I) Principal Amount Ii) Interest due but
not paid Iii) Interest
accrued but not due |
Total (i+ii+iii) |
Change in
indebtedness during the financial year * Addition * Reduction |
Net change |
Indebtedness at the
beginning of the financial year I) Principal Amount Ii) Interest due but
not paid Iii) Interest
accrued but not due |
Total (i+ii+iii) |
VI. Remuneration of Directors and KMP : NIL
A. Remuneration to MD /
WTD and / or Manager : NIL
S.N. | Particulars of
Remuneration | Name of
MD/WTD/Manager | Total Amount |
B. Remuneration to other Directors : NIL
S.N. | Particulars of
Remuneration | Name of Directors | Total Amount |
C. Remuneration to KMP other than
MD/WTD/Manager : NIL
S.N. | Particulars of
Remuneration | Key Managerial
Personnel | |||
| CEO | Company Secretary | CFO | Total |
VII. Penalties /
Punishment / Compounding of Offences :
Type | Section of the
Companies Act | Brief description | Details of penalty /
punishment / compounding fees imposed | Authority [RD/NCLT/Court] | Appeal made, if any
(give details) |
C. Other Officers in
defauls : NIL
Penalty |
| |
Punishment |
Compounding |