Payslip Format in Word Format Free Download for Factory & Office
Payslip for the month: October,2026
Slip no.: 1 Name : RAM BABU Branch: WADA
Emp Code: A00121 Department : BANBURY PF No. : 124
Designation: OPERATOR Division:
Days Paid: 27.00 Days Present: 26 W.Off/Pd.Off: 0 / 1 LWP/Absent:
OT Hours: 0.00 Late Hours: 0.08 PL Adj: 0.00 Shift 2: 18.00
SL Av: 0.00 CL Av: 0.00 PL Av: 0.00 Shift 3: 0.00
Bal.SL: 7.00 Bal.CL: 3.00 Bal.PL: 9.00 Bal.CO:
Earnings & Reimbursement Gross Amt. Actual Amt.| Deductions & Recoveries Amount
Basic 6611.00 6862.73 | Prov.Fund 1289.00
DA 3736.25 3878.51 | P.Tax 200.00
H.R.A 529.00 549.14 | Festival Adv 300.00
Conveyance 3623.00 3760.95 | Bank Loan 0.00
Medical 2018.00 2094.84 | Other Ded 0.00
Ot Pay 0.00 | LWF ded 0.00
Canteen 910.00 |
Washing Allowance 50.00 |
Shift 3 Allowance 0.00 |
Shift 2 Allowance 126.00 |
Attendance Bonus 398.00 |
Milk/Banana Allow. 182.00 |
Lime Allowance 0.00 |
Chemical Allowance 260.00 |
Total Earnings 16517.25 19072.17 | Total Deductions 1789.00
| NET PAY 17283.17
Net Pay: Rupees Seventeen Thousand Two
Hundred Eighty Three and Paise Seventeen Only
Bank Name : Bank
of India, Bank A/C No. 3922312345