Contingent Liabilities Declaration Format in Word
Details of Contingent Liabilities as on 31.07.2025:
Claims against the company not acknowledge as debts Rs. 63,383 thousand. These comprise:
Provident Fund Authority claims relating to Section 7A
of the Employee’s Provident Fund & Miscellaneous provisions Act 1952
amounting Rs. 25,369 thousands disputed by the company and writ petition filed
by the company in Hon, able High Court,
ii) Entry Tax Claim by Dy. Commissioner Commercial Tax Rs. 1102 thousand relating to Month April, 2022 to July, 2022 disputed by the company.
iii) Purchase tax claim relating to year 2020-01 Rs. 97 thousand by the office of Cane Commissioner disputed by the company.
iv) Additional payment of Rs. 36,815 thousands to be made to cane growers on the basis of Judgment of Hon’ ble Allahabad High Court Lucknow Bench order dated 7th July 2023, which is disputed by The U.P Sugar mills Association (UPSMA) of which the company is a member.