West Bengal Transport Development Limited
24/58 N S Road, Star Building, 10th Floor Kolkata – 700 001
Current Account Closure Letter Format in Word
The Manager
The Dhanalakshmi Bank Limited
Ideal Plaza (Ground Floor)
11/1 Sarat Bose Road,
Kolkata - 700 020
Dear Sir,
Sub:: Our Current
Account No.12345 with you
The Board of Directors have decided to close the above Banking Account with you. In this connection we are enclosing herewith the followings :
- Certified copy of the Resolution passed by the Board of Directors in their meeting held on 21/06/2026
- The un used Cheque Forms bearing No. 015580 to 015625 for cancellation.
You are requested to kindly close the Account and issue a Pay-Order in respect of the amount lying into the Credit of the above Account.
Please also favour us a copy of the up-to-date Statement of Account.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
For West Bengal Transport Development Ltd.
Encl:: As above.