Stabnet Private Limited
Regd. Office: 54/8 N S Road, No.113 Of Hebbal
No. U50300KA2009PTC123456
April 03, 2025.
The Assistant Commissioner of Sales Tax
(LVO) 20
Dear Sir,
Sub: Issue of login id & password
Ref: TIN 29760812345
We are a registered dealer of Mysore with the abovementioned TIN. We are unable to login to the sales tax website to file returns and generate e-sugam / way bills as we have unfortunately misplaced our login id and password.
Hence would request you to kindly issue fresh id & password so that we can resume our business activities and update our sales tax returns. We authorize Mr. Sachin Dev, the bearer of this letter, whose signature is attested below, to collect the id & password on behalf of the company.
Kindly do the needful. Thanking you in advance.
Yours faithfully,
For Stabnet Pvt. Ltd.
Authorised Signatory .
Signature of Mr. Sachin Dev