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Guidelines for Provident Fund withdrawal, Transfer, Loan & Claim with Forms Details

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Guide lines for forwarding P F Forms from your respective Unitsfor submission.

You are aware that time and again we are giving instructions how to fill in the PF Claim forms and even some guidelines, in this regard, have also been circulated to all the Personnel Departments of the 3 Units for their ready reference.

Inspite of this, still we are receiving uncompleted PF Claim forms, corrected with White- Fluid or over-writings etc.  It has also seen that some applications received from the Units, the General Manager is signing as “Authorized Signatory”.

On enquiries with the PF Authorities, they have pointed out the following irregularities in the PF Claim forms and they were returning the forms for rectification of the same.

1.   The PF Claim form should invariably be enclosed with the pay slip of the individual.
2.   The name of the employee should be tallied with the PF Account Name and Bank Pass Book Name.
3.   Father’s name should also be tallied with the Form 5 ( at the time of joining)
4.   PF Claim form should contain the signature of the individual, wherever it is required.
5.   Entries with regard to Form 5 (Date of joining) and form 10 (Date of leaving) will be done by the Corporate Office only.
6.   Fluid corrections / over-writings will not be accepted.
7.   Other than our Corporate Office Officials, no individual should approach the PF Authorities with regard to status/verification of the P F Forms submitted.
8.   Any nature of Forms to be submitted to the PF Office are to be routed through Concerned Personnel Department of the Unit, in turn they will forward the same  to Personnel Department of the Corporate Office for such submission after due verification and obtaining the authorized signatory’s signature..

Please make a note that at the place “Authorized Signatory”, it should be signed by Vice President (Finance) or Manager (Personnel & ASdmn.) only.  No other person is authorized to sign on the PF Claim applications.

The Personnel Department should ensure that all columns in the form are properly and legibly filled in.  In case one applicant files more than one application, fill all the applications leaving no column blank.

Ø  As far as possible use the Original application. In case if the Original is not available please use a legible Xerox copy of the application.

Ø  Fill the forms in CAPITAL letters only and be legible to read & understand.

Ø  If the applicant having bank account and the amount is to be deposited in the Bank, please furnish the SB Account Number clearly, without any corrections in figures or words in the respective columns provided for.  Also attach Xerox copy of the 1stand 2nd pages of the respective Pass- Book after due verification by the Personnel Department.

Ø  Ensure that the PF Code & Number is filled correctly

AP/HY/Company code/employee PF Number
Ø  Attach the

Medical Certificate           for Medical Loan
Wedding card                             Marriage Loan
House construction Loan           a. Certified Plan Copy
                                                            b. Certified cost Estimation
c. Certificate given by Local MRO
   that the  Site belongs to the applicant
For purchase of House site        a. Copy of the sale agreement.
b. Copy of the House site document,
    Which is going to be purchased.

After computerization of the PF Accounts by the P F Office, the Forms to be submitted are as under.

Old Form No:                 New Form No:               Submitted for

Form 19                         Form  - T  1                              P F Settlement Form
Form 10C                       Form  - T  2                              Pension Settlement Form
Form 19 & 10C              Form  -  T 3                              Death Claims
Form 13 R                      Form  - T  4                              PF Transfer Form
Form 31                         Form  - T  1                              Advances (Loans)

But as advised by the PF Authorities you may submit the old forms till further instructions.

The following are some forms that are mostly used:

ü  For transfer of PF Contributions:                                       Form 13R
          Separate applications should be filed if the transfer of PF
          contributions is from more than one establishment.

ü  For withdrawal of PF Contributions:                                   Form 19
Break in Service Particulars- 2 copies
Form 5 & Form 10 ( to be supplied by the Corporate Office)
          Form 3A – for the period the contributions were paid
Bank Account Pass-Book 1st page and 2nd& 3rd pages Xerox copies  
Family Photos – 3 copies

ü  For Pension Scheme Certificate:                                        Form 10-C

ü  For applying Loan:                                                                       Form 31.
Ordinarily these Loans should be discouraged as the PF Authorities are returning the Loan applications for the reasons that the individuals are applying more than twice and as they, apparently, found to be fictious/false.

For death claim the following are to be attached       
ü  For claiming widow Pension.                                              Form 10D

ü  For death claim by widow/nominee/heir.                           From 20
For settlement of Claim.                                                    Form 19
Form 5 (IF) for Employee D’Linked Insurance Scheme.
Break in Service Particulars- 2 copies.
Form 5 (Date of entry in the present Organisation) &
Form 10 (Date of relieving of the employee from the present Organisation)
Form 3A– for the period the contributions were paid

In addition to the above the Documents to be enclosed to the death claims

Death Certificate in Original and one extra copy.
Legal heir Certificate in original and duplicate
Date of Birth Certificates of Children.
Family Photos – 3 copies
Bank Account Pass-Book 1st page and 2nd& 3rd pages photo copies  

If the applicant is filing more than one application, the applicant should sign on each application and on One Rupee Revenue Stamp in the respective place provided in the application.  Beneath the signature / thumb impression write the name of the person.  Append Left Thumb Impression in case the applicant is MALE and Right Thumb Impression in case the applicant is FEMALE. 

Those who have already filled the NSSN Forms earlier need not fill again.  The acknowledgment of NSSN Form should be enclosed. Please ascertain and fill the NSSN Forms / enclose the acknowledgment.

For claims form 10C and from 10D are to be sent simultaneously.

Ensure that each and every column is filled in properly in the PF Forms and NSSN forms.


An employee who has put in at least five years for service is eligible for gratuity.

Documents required for gratuity settlement

Normal procedure:
I.  Particulars of the employee.

1.   Employee No:
2.   PF A/C No:
3.   Name:
4.   Designation
5.   Department
6.   Category
7.   Date of appointment
8.   Date of reliving
9.   Reasons for leaving
10.                Salary on the date of relieving from service
(Basic + DA = Total)
11.                Period of service
II. Relieving Order

In case of Death Claims
I.  Particulars of the employee.
1.   Employee No:
2.   PF A/C No:
3.   Name:
4.   Designation
5.   Department
6.   Category
7.   Date of appointment
8.   Date of reliving
9.   Reasons for leaving
10.                Salary on the date of relieving from service
(Basic + DA = Total)
11.                Period of service

Certificates to be enclosed:

1.  Death Certificate (In case of death of the employee)
2.  Legal Heir Certificate from MRO
3.  Duly typed on Rs. 100/- non-judicial stamp and notarized no-objection 
     Affidavit of the family members in favour of the beneficiary 

Settlement of account of left employees– reg.

You are aware that we have to settle the account of left employees within one month their leaving the Organisation.

But due to non receipt of required papers to settle the accounts, it is becoming difficult to settle the accounts.

To settle any left employee’s account, you are aware that the following are required.

1.     Relieving order.
2.     No dues certificate from all the Heads of Departments.
3.     Leave position as on the date of relieving.
4.     If the notice period amount is paid by the incumbent, the particulars of payment together with copy of the receipt.
5.     Separately specify the deductions, if any, to be made out of settlement amount.
6.     The above particulars should reach the Corporate Office at the earliest from the date of relieving.

The above documents should be sent together in a bunch to enable the undersigned to forward the same to Accounts Department for their doing the needful.

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