Sample Template Example of Job Offer Letter Format for Car Driver from Company's HR Department in India in doc / word / pdf Format
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REF:PERS:APPT:2014 Date………..
Mr. **************
Dear Mr. ********,
With reference to your biodata / application for employment in our Organisation and subsequent interview, the undersigned has great pleasure in offering you appointment on the following terms and conditions :- You will be designated as “DRIVER”
You will be paid a total salary of Rs.****/- per month (Rupees ************************ only) i.e. Rs. ****/- as Basic, Rs.***/- as V.D.A. & Rs.****/- as Conveyance. In addition to this you will be entitled to other benefits such as Provident Fund, Gratuity, Bonus, E.S.I. etc. as applicable from time to time as per Company’s rules.
You will be on probation for a period of six month from the date of joining. This probation may be extended or reduced on the absolute discretion of the management. In the event of your service not being confirmed after the expiry of initial probationary period of six months, the said period will be deemed to have been automatically extended for a further period of six months. Your services will regarded as confirmed only when a letter of confirmation is issued to you. During the probation period, Your services can be terminated without assigning any reason by giving 24 hours notice merely. After confirmation, your service will be liable to be terminated on one month’s notice or on payment of one month’s salary in lieu thereof. Similarly, you will not terminate your service without giving one month’s notice or salary in lieu thereof and in case of failure on your part to do so, the Management will be entitled to recover the requisite amount from you either by withholding dues to that extent or otherwise as may be necessary.
You will observe all laws, rules and regulations etc. In respect of driving the vehicle. You will be held responsible for all acts, omission and non-compliance of rules and regulations for vehicle driven by you for the Company. You will ensure proper maintenance and upkeep of the vehicle and the instructions/directions that may be given to you from time to time will always be complied with.
Your continuation in the employment will always be subject to your remaining physically and mentally fit and alert. The management shall have every right to get you medically examined or re-examined at any time by the Registered Medical Practitioner, or Eye-Specialist or a Civil Surgeon, whose findings will be final and binding upon you.
You will be whole time employee of the organization /establishment/factory and such you will not engage yourself elsewhere for any work either honorary or for remuneration without permission from the Management.
: 2 :
Your services will be liable to be transferred from one place to another and/or from one branch office to another and/or from one vehicle to another purely at the discretion of the management.
You will not drive the vehicle in a drunken state or under the influence of any other intoxication or drugs and You will be personally responsible for strict observance and compliance of the traffic rules and regulations.
You will keep the vehicle in a clean and good working condition and will be responsible for its lubricants and water. You will also be responsible to see that the vehicle is periodically serviced and tuned. In case of challan or prosecution or fine for violation of any traffic rules and regulations, you will be presonally liable for the payment of fine imposed on you for such violation and in case, any part of the vehicle is stolen and /or if found mission, you will be personally liable to make good the loss to the company.
You will be responsible for the safe custody of the vehicle driven by you and in case of damage or loss, due to your negligence, you would be held responsible to make good such loss or damage and at the close of your duty, you will park the vehicle properly locked at the usual parking place and shall hand over its keys to the person authorised in this behalf.
You will maintain proper entries in the log-book, which shall always be kept in the vehicle and you will produce the same as and when required.
You will not leave the premises of the duty place nor you will take the vehicle anywhere unless so permitted by the management and you will not allow any unauthorised person to travel in the vehicle. You will keep the driving licence with you.
Your duty hours will be regulated from time to time purely at the discretion of the Management as per expediency of service and it is clearly understood that as a drive, it would be your duty to take the vehicle for out station journeys as and when so required.
In case the above terms and conditions are acceptable to you, please sign the duplicate copy of the letter in token of your acceptance and return the same for record .
Wish you all the best.
Yours faithfully
For ***********************
I accept toe offer and the terms and conditions mentioned in the aforesaid letter.
(Signature of Employee)
Download Appointment Letter Format for Drivers:-
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