Sample Template Example of Security Service Contract Agreement Format in Word / Doc / Pdf Free Download
Chief Executive
Dear Sir,
Sub: Deployment of Security Personnel - Reg
Ref: 1. Your quotation dated
2. Our letter of intent dated
With reference to your offer and further discussion you had with us, we are pleased to award you the contract of providing Security Guards, Assistant Security Officer and Security Officer for our ______________________________________ on the following terms and conditions and services to be rendered as per your offer.
1. You will deploy the Security Personnel for our ____________as per orders of us from time to time. Initially the Security strength will be as follows. Their shift hours shoulb be 12 hours.
a) Security Officer - __ No
b) ASO - __ Nos
c) Security Guards - __ Nos
a) Security Officer - __ No
b) ASO - __ Nos
c) Security Guards - __ Nos
The Security Personnel shall submit Bio-Data with Photo Copies of Certificates and 2 Nos of latest Passport size Photos.
2. You will be responsible for issuing proper Uniforms to your Security Personnel and you will also ensure that Security Personnel should be alert while on duty.
3. You will arrange to safeguard men, materials, machines and equipment and interest of the plant at places designated by posting your staff in such a manner and at various points to ensure that the Company’s interests are fully safeguarded. This includes assisting the place in first-aid and fire fighting operations, if required.
4. Necessary security documentation, usages and systems as prevalent and introduced from time to time in the plant would be communicated to you for effective implementation.
5. You shall take license under Contract Labor (Regulation & Abolition) Act. A copy there of shall be produced to us for our records.
6. Income tax will be deducted from your monthly bills under Income Tax Act as applicable from time to time.
7. The personnel deployed by the Security Services shall be employees of Frontline Management Services. They shall not be a member of the Company. They shall not join or sympathize with Employees Association / Union or any other activities in the Company.
8. You will be responsible for the acts of omissions and commissions of your personnel while on duty at the Company.
9. You alone will be liable to pay off salaries / wages, conveyance charges, allowances and other statutory benefits as due to your guards engaged at the plant and comply with all statutory requirements. Company shall not be liable for any other charges other than the amounts mentioned.
10. You should cover the employees engaged by you at the Company for all statutory requirements. Necessary documentation for the purpose shall be maintained by you if require to be produced for perusal by the Company or Government Agencies.
11. You will be responsible for the discipline of your staff.
12. The services of security personnel deployed by you at our plant during the contract period can not at any time by construed as services rendered as employees of the Company and therefore shall not have any right to claim any appointment at the Company at any time.
13. The Security Officer deployed by you shall meet regularly, the authorized representative of the Company, for conveying / obtaining necessary communications, instructions, observations etc.
14. Your contract will be for a period of one year with effect from 15.09.2007. Notwithstanding this, either the parties will have the option of terminating this contract earlier, with a 30 days clear notice or payment thereof without assigning any reasons.
15. In the event of theft or loss of the property of the Company, the Contractor will be responsible for assisting in reporting the matter to the Police (for which the FIR has to be filed by the Company under the law) and subsequently for follow up with the police for investigation and in the courts for speedy disposal of cases. If the police final report attributes the loss to the criminal negligence and / or collusion of the security personnel of the contractor, the contractor will compensate the company for loss, subject to a maximum of 50% of the month’s charges or the actual residual (depreciated) book value of the items lost, whichever is less. If the police final report is delayed beyond three months, the criminal negligence and / or collusion of the Contractor’s personnel may also be determined by a joint enquiry comprising of representatives of the Company of the Contractor who shall not be below the level of a General Manager of the Contractor and not below the level of executive of the Company. The liability of the Contractor will be subject to a maximum of 50% of one month’s charges or the actual residual (depreciated) book value of the items lost, whichever is less, as already mentioned above.
16. You will be reimbursed the salaries as follows:
a) Security Officer - Rs.________
b) ASO - Rs._________
c) Security Guards - Rs. ________
and also 1/6 Reliever charges along with service Tax as applicable from time to time Security charges would be revised in accordance with the provisions under A P Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Rules 1971 from time to time.
17. Yours service charges will be settled on monthly basis on or before 5th of the succeeding month itself to enable you to disburse the wages to your personnel on the 7th of every month as per the regulations under payment of wages act.
18. a) In all matters pertaining to or arising out of this work order, settlement shall be arrived through mutual discussions and consensus.
b) Any disputes arising out of this agreement shall be within the jurisdiction of Courts of Law at Hyderabad.
Please sign and send the duplicate copy of this contract acceptance of the above terms and conditions.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Accept and agree with the above terms and conditions.
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