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Congratulations Letter on New Business

Sample Template Example of Congratulations Letter on New Business in Word / Doc / Pdf Free Download

Congratulation Message For Getting a New Customer / Client / Business Opportunity

[DATE, ex. Wednesday, June 11, 2016]

John Smith
XYZ Inc.
1234 First Street
Suite 567
Anycity, Anystate  85245]

Dear [NAME, ex. John Smith],

I have just heard that you have landed the [NEW CUSTOMER, ex. Albert Industries] account.  Allow me to congratulate you!  I am certain that this was the result of great work and diligence on your part and  I am certain a prosperous and long business relationship will ensue.

Best regards,

[YOUR NAME, ex. Jill Jones]

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Congratulations Letter to Author

Sample Template Example of Congratulations Letter to Author in Word / Doc / Pdf Free Download


[DATE, ex. Wednesday, June 11, 2016]

John Smith
XYZ Inc.
1234 First Street
Suite 567
Anycity, Anystate  85245]

Dear [NAME, ex. John Smith],

I very much enjoyed reading your article, [TITLE, ex. “The Application of Statistical Techniques in Manufacturing Management”], in [PUBLICATIONS, ex. Management Weekly].  [MENTION A POINT ON WHICH YOU AGREE WITH AUTHOR, ex. I indeed agree with you that X-bar charting techniques are key in determining when a manufacturing process is malfunctioning.]

Allow me this opportunity to congratulate you on this publication. It is an honor to know a person whose work has been recognized this respectable [magazine / newspaper / publication, etc.].

Best regards,

[YOUR NAME, ex. Jill Jones]

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Doctor Letter to Patient Template

Sample Template Example of Doctor Letter to Patient Template in Word / Doc / Pdf Free Download


[DATE, ex. Wednesday, June 11, 2016]

John Smith
1234 First Street
Suite 567
Anycity, Anystate  85245]

Dear [NAME, ex. John Smith],

We have tried unsuccessfully to contact you on a number of occasions in an attempt to have you return to complete the treatment, which I began on [NATURE OF TREATMENT, ex. your teeth].

[BRIEFLY DESCRIBE REASON FOR FOLLOW-UP, ex. Since you had a high decay rate in your mouth, I placed many temporary fillings to halt the spread of the decay. As I indicated to you these fillings are temporary fillings which must be treated with crowns or permanent fillings that will last longer].

Please contact my office to make an appointment to complete your treatment as noted above. However, if you no longer wish to complete your treatment with me, please let my office know so that I can arrange to forward your records to the appropriate dentist. There will be a small duplicating charge for this.

I look forward to hearing from you.


[YOUR NAME, ex. Jill Jones]

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Letter For Bounced Cheque Return to Party

Sample Template Example of Letter For Bounced Cheque Return to Party in Word / Doc / Pdf Free Download

Cheque Bounce Return Cover Letter to Customer due to Insufficient Fund in Bank Account


[DATE, ex. Wednesday, June 11, 2016]

John Smith
XYZ Inc.
1234 First Street
Suite 567
Anycity, Anystate  85245]

Dear [NAME, ex. John Smith],

We thank you for your business. Enclosed, please find your check (#[CHECK NUMBER]), in the amount of $[AMOUNT]. Unfortunately, your bank was unable to process this check due to insufficient funds.  As I am certain that this due to a small bank oversight, please contact me at XXX-XXXX to tell me how to proceed.


[YOUR NAME, ex. Jill Jones]

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Second Time Cheque Return Letter Format

Sample Template Example of Second Time Cheque Return Letter Format in Word / Doc / Pdf Free Download

Second Time Cheque Bounce Complaint Letter to Customer

[DATE, ex. Wednesday, June 11, 2016]

John Smith
XYZ Inc.
1234 First Street
Suite 567
Anycity, Anystate  85245]

Dear [NAME, ex. John Smith],

Pursuant to our telephone conversation on [DATE, ex. June 10, 2016], I have deposited your check (#[CHECK NUMBER]).  Unfortunately, your bank was again unable to process this check due to insufficient funds.  As we wish to update your account and uphold your good credit rating, contact me at your earliest convenience so that we may arrange for a cash or money-order payment.


[YOUR NAME, ex. Jill Jones]

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Congratulation Letter for New Home

Sample Template Example of Congratulation Letter for New Home in Word / Doc / Pdf Free Download

Congratulation Email to a Friends/ Colleague / Customer / Vendor / Boss for Purchase of a New House

[DATE, ex. Wednesday, June 11, 2016]

John Smith
XYZ Inc.
1234 First Street
Suite 567
Anycity, Anystate  85245]

Dear [NAME, ex. John Smith],

Allow me the opportunity to compliment and congratulate you on your new house! I hope the move was not too troublesome and I am certain that it will be a place of much joy and happiness for you and your family.  It is a pleasure to hear of this happy news!

Best regards,

[YOUR NAME, ex. Jill Jones]

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Congratulations Letter For New Job

Sample Template Example of Congratulations Letter For New Job in Word / Doc / Pdf Free Download

Coagulation Email Message to a Friend / Colleague / Boss for Getting a New Joining Position / Appointment

[DATE, ex. Wednesday, June 11, 2016]

John Smith
XYZ Inc.
1234 First Street
Suite 567
Anycity, Anystate  85245]

Dear [NAME, ex. John Smith],

Allow me the pleasure of congratulating you on your new position at [FIRM, ex. XYZ Inc].  I am certain that you will find success and enjoyment at your new form and I look forward to congratulating you in person.

Best regards,

[YOUR NAME, ex. Jill Jones]

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Directors Shareholding Declaration Form Format in Word

Sample Template Example of Directors Shareholding Declaration Form Format in Word in Word / Doc / Pdf Free Download

Form B
Securities and Exchange Board of India (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 1992
[Regulations 13(2) and(6)]

Regulation 13(2) – Details of shares held by Director or Officer of a Listed company

Name & Address of Director/ Officer
Date of assuming officer of Director/ Officer
No & % of shares/ voting rights held at the time of becoming Director/ Offider
Date of intimation to company
Mode of acquisiton (market purchase/ public/ rights/ preferential officer, etc.)
Trading member through whome the trade was executed with SEBI Registration No. of the TM
Exchange on which the trade was executed
Buy quantity
Buy value

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Disclosure of Pledged Shares By Promoters In Word Format

Sample Template Example of Disclosure of Pledged Shares By Promoters In Word Format in Word / Doc / Pdf Free Download

February 4, 2016

Note for kind attn. of Shri Amit Sana

SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and
Takeovers) (Amendment) Regulations, 2009

Disclosure of Pledged shares

Pursuant to the above amendment notified on 28th January, 2016 Promoters / persons forming part of the Promoter Group shall disclose to the Company details of shares of the company pledged by them within seven working days of commencement of above regulations. The Promoters also have to inform the company within seven working days of creation of pledge/invocation of pledge on shares of the company.

This is for your kind information and necessary action, if any.


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Format of Register of Proxies in Word Free Download

Sample Template Example of Format of Register of Proxies in Word Free Download in Word / Doc / Pdf Free Download


The register should contain the following particulars :

Name of the member appointing the proxy

Folio number of the member

D.P. ID number of the member

Client ID number of the member

Number of shares held by the member

Name of the proxy(ies) appointed

Date and Time of receipt of proxy form

Number of valid and invalid proxies

Reason for rejection of proxy form

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FV GPR Form in Word format Free Download

Sample Template Example of FV GPR Form in Word format Free Download in Word / Doc / Pdf Free Download

[Part-B of Annex I to A. P. (DIR Series) Circular No. 44  dated May 30, 2008]



(i) This  part  of  form  FC-GPR  is  to  be  submitted  to  the  Director,  Balance  of  Payment Statistical  Division,  Department  of  Statistical  Analysis  &  Computer  Services,  Reserve Bank  of  India,  C8,  3rd  Floor,  Bandra-Kurla  Complex,  Bandra  (E),  Mumbai   400051; Tel: 2657 1265, 2657 2513, Fax: 26570848; email:surveyfla@rbi.org.in

(ii)Thisisanannualreturntobesubmittedby31st  ofJulyeveryyearbyallcompanies, pertaining         to         all                    investments                  by    way    of    direct/portfolio    investments/re-invested earnings/others   in   the   Indian   company   made   during   the   previous   years   (e,g.   the informationinPartBsubmittedby31st  July2018willpertaintoalltheinvestmentsmade
inthepreviousyearsuptoMarch31,2018).Thedetailsoftheinvestmentstobereported wouldincludeallforeigninvestmentsmadeintothecompanywhichisoutstandingason thedateofthebalancesheet.Thedetailsofoverseasinvestmentsinthecompanyboth under Direct  /  portfolio  investment  may  be  separately  indicated.  Please  use  end-March Market prices/exchange rates for compiling the relevant information.


Permanent Account Number (PAN) of the investee company given by the Income Tax Department

No.                         Particulars                                                (In Block Letters)
1.       Name                                                      


Registration No. given by the
Registrarof Companies

2.                 Nameof the Contact Person:                

3.       Accountclosingdate:
4.          Details of changes if any, with regard to information furnished earlier (Change in name of company / Change of location, activities, etc.)
5.          Whether listed companyor unlisted company
5.1    If listed,

i)     Market   value   per   share   as   at end-March
ii)    NetAssetValuepershareason date  of  latest  Audited  Balance

31st March, 2018

Listed/ Unlisted

5.2    If   unlisted,   Net   Asset   Value   per
share as  on  date  of  latest  Audited
6. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)

ForeignLiabilities In
India *

Amountin Lakhs of Rupees
ForeignAssets Outside
India &

6.1 Other Capital W
6.2Disinvestments during the year
6.3 Retained earnings during the year +

Outstanding at end- March of Previous Year

Outstanding at end- March of Current Year

Outstanding at end- March of Previous Year

Outstanding at end- March of Current Year

*  Pleasefurnishtheoutstandinginvestmentsofnon-residentinvestors(DirectInvestors)whowereholding
10 per cent or moreordinaryshares of your Companyon the reporting date.

&  PleasefurnishyourtotalinvestmentsoutsidethecountryineachofwhichyourCompanyheld10percent
ormore ordinaryshares of that non-resident enterprise on the reporting date.

W   Other  Capital  includes  transactions  between  the  non-resident  direct  investor  and  investee  /  reporting company,relatingtoi)ShortTermBorrowingfromoverseasinvestors,ii)LongTermBorrowingfromoverseas investors,  iii)  Trade  Credit,  iv)  Suppliers  Credit,  v)  Financial  Leasing,  vi)  Control  Premium,  vii)  Non- Competition  Fee  in  case  of  transactions  not  involving  issue  of  shares,  viii)  Non-cash  acquisition  of  shares against  technical  transfer,  plant  and  machinery,  goodwill,  business  development  and  similar  considerations
and ix) investment in immovable propertymade during the year.

+  Underforeignliabilities,forretainedearnings(undistributedprofit),pleasefurnishtheproportionateamount
as  per  the  share  holding  of  non-resident  investors  (Direct  investors).  Similarlyunderforeignassetsoutside

7.Portfolio and Other Investment
[Please furnish here the outstanding investments other than those mentioned under FDI above]
Amount in Lakhs of Rupees

ForeignLiabilities In

ForeignAssets Outside

7.0    Equity Securities
7.1    Debt Securities
7.1.1Bonds and Notes
7.1.2Money Market
7.2    Disinvestments during               the year                                              
8. Financial Derivatives
(notional value)
9.Other Investment
9.1     Trade Credit
9.1.1 Short Term
9.1.2  Long Term

Outstanding at end- March of Previous Year
Outstanding at end- March of Current Year
Outstanding at end- March of Previous Year

Outstanding at end- March of Current Year

9.2     Loans¥                                                        Please see the note below
9.3     Others
9.3.1 Short Term
9.3.2  Long Term

  *  During the year - reduced

in the non-resident enterprise.

¥  Note:  As  the  details  of  the  Loans  availed  of  byyour  companyare  collected  through  Authorised  Dealers separatelybyForeignExchangeDepartmentoftheReserveBankinECBreturns,thedetailsofexternalloans availedbyyourcompanyneednotbefilledin.However,theexternalloansextendedbyyourcompanytonon- resident  enterprises  other  than  WOS/JVs  outside  India  should  be  reported  under  “Foreign  Assets  outside India”.

10. Shareholding pattern as at end-March

Text Box: Amount (Face Value) Rs. Text Box: %Text Box: No. of shares Text Box: Amount (Face Value) Rs. Text Box: %Equity              Compulsorily convertible Preference Shares/ Debentures

Text Box: No. of shares Investor category/ Nature of investing entity

a)    Non-Resident
01      Individuals
02      Companies
03      FIIs                                                        
04      FVCIs
05      Foreign Trusts
06      Private EquityFunds
07      Pension/ Provident Funds
08      Sovereign Wealth Fund (SWF)§
08      Partnership / Proprietorship


09      Financial Institutions
10      NRIs/PIO                                       
11      Others (please specify) OCB                      

b)    Resident


11.      Persons employed during the financial year ending March 31®

Signature of the authorised
Official                              :                                                                                    

Name(in block letters)     :                                                                                    

Designation                      :                                                                                    

Place:                                                                                                  Date:

§  SWF  means  a  Government  investment  vehicle  which  is  funded  by  foreign  exchange  assets,  and  which manages those assets separately fromthe official reserves ofthe monetary authorities.

®  Pleaseindicatethenumberofpersonsrecruitedbyyourcompanyduringthefinancialyearforwhichthe return  is  being  submitted.  Under  “Directly’,  indicate  the  number  of  persons  on  therollofyourcompany, whereasunder“Indirectly”,indicatethenumberofpersonsotherwiseengagedbyyourcompanyduringthe year.

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Letter Format For Taking Legal Action

Sample Template Example of Letter Format For Taking Legal Action in Word / Doc / Pdf Free Download

July 18, 2015

Ms Annu Agarwal
14/9 K P Road
Mumabi – 405 252
ABC Pvt Ltd
10th Floor
5/6 Ajai Sen Road,
Mittal House, New Delhi – 125 212
Outstanding amount Rs.25,05,410/-
As discussed with you over phone, please send a legal notice to the above firm urging them to settle the amount, which is pending against factory Invoice No.Inv1254 dtd.19.07.14.

We enclose xerox of the relevant papers and documents for your doing the needful.

Please acknowledge receipt.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,


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Magazine Subscription Renewal Letter Sample

Sample Template Example of Magazine Subscription Renewal Letter Sample in Word / Doc / Pdf Free Download


May 29, 2016

Federation of Indian Tyre & Tube
54/6 Dariganj
Lala Nagar
New Delhi – 110 001       

Attn.: Mr S J Singh, Secretary                                           

Dear Sirs,
Renewal of Membership for the year 2016-17

With reference to your Bill No.FITT/16-17/102 dt.09.04.16, we send herewith Cheque bearing No.014547 dt.25.05.16 for Rs.25,000/- (Rupees Twenty five thousand  only) drawn on UCO Bank towards renewal of ordinary membership subscription for the year 2016-17.

Please acknowledge receipt.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,


Encl. As above

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Management Discussion and Analysis Report Format as per Companies Act

Sample Template Example of Management Discussion and Analysis Report Format as per Companies Act in Word / Doc / Pdf Free Download


                                                                                                      ANNEXURE ‘II’

a)      Industry Structure and Development

Demand of Particle Board, during the year under review, was far in excess of Indian production.  As the Particle Board market in India is recording robust growth during the past two years, and since the Indian production is not enough to meet the demand, large imports of Particle Boards have taken place from countries like Sri Lanka, Thailand, China, Malaysia, New Zealand, Australia and some European countries. During the year, two new manufacturing units commenced production and sales of Particle Board in India. Another two new plants are being set up which are likely to commence production during the Financial Year 2017-18. The Government of India vide notification no: ……. Dated ……. have imposed anti dumping duties on imported Particle Board of thickness 6mm and higher . Anti Dumping duty was not imposed on lower thickness boards as no Indian manufacturer is manufacturing such boards in India.

b)      Opportunities and Threats

Growth in the Indian economy is expected to result in increase in demand of Particle Boards.  The year under review has given indications regarding future demand for this industry especially considering the financial meltdown worldwide and the negative growth recorded by the Real Estate sector, a major consumer of Particle Boards, during the second half of the year under review.  Even with the slowdown  in the construction sector,  as witnessed in the second half of FY 2015-16 demand for Particle Board products grew marginally as consumers are slowly switching over from other panel boards like plywood boards mainly for easy availability, affordable prices and superior product quality.  The extended product range of your Company’s products, especially in value added segments, provides an excellent opportunity to your Company.

Import of Particle Boards will continue especially in lower thicknesses and your company has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with Jono Jojoli Corporation for importing Particle Boards to cater to the demand of its customers.  .

c)      Outlook

The Company looks forward to increased demand of Particle Boards products in the future but is apprehensive about the present economic scenario and the downturn in the Real Estate market.  Depending on the turnaround of the Real Estate market, the demand for the company’s products is likely to improve further.

d)      Internal Control Systems and their adequacy

The Company has adequate Internal Control Systems in all its areas of operation which is commensurate with its size.  A reputed outside Firm of Chartered Accountants has been appointed as the Internal Auditors to carry out thorough audit of the Company’s functions.  The adequacy of the system has also been examined by the Statutory Auditors of the Company and no adverse remark on the adequacy of internal control system has been made.

e)      Discussion on Financial Performance and Operational Performance

During the year under review your Company’s Net Profit after Tax is Rs. 1551.10 Lacs as compared to the previous year’s figure of Rs. 1352.55 Lacs.  This has been made possible by adopting better production planning and scheduling alongwith developing a market for selling value added products in larger volumes by creating a new product mix.

Your directors are continuously putting in efforts for realizing higher value for products sold under the SHAKTI brand name.

f)       Developments in Human Resources and Industrial Relations

The agreements with the Permanent Workers’ Union and the Casual Workers’ Union are expiring on 30.09.2016 and on 21.01.2017 respectively. Negotiations for Fresh agreements are expected to begin soon.

The Management recognizes the positive role played by the Unions in improving quality and increasing productivity of the factory and is hopeful that fresh agreements will be negotiated amicably.

g)      Cautionary Statement of the Company

Statements in this report on Management Discussion and Analysis describing the Company’s objectives, projections, estimates, expectations or predictions may be forward looking statements within the meaning of applicable security laws or regulations.  These statements are based on certain assumptions and expectation of future events.  Actual results could, however, differ materially from those expressed or implied.  Important factors that could make a difference to the company’s operations include global and domestic demand-supply conditions, finished goods prices, raw material costs and availability, changes in Government regulations and tax structure and other factors such as litigation and industrial relations.

The Company assumes no responsibility in respect of forward looking statements herein which may undergo changes in future on the basis of subsequent developments, information or events.

                                                                   Sri K P Singh, Director        

Sri Amit Sana, Director


Sri Kapil Sharma, Director              

The 19thApril, 2016    

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Notes On Deferred Tax

Sample Template Example of Notes On Deferred Tax in Word / Doc / Pdf Free Download


Deferred tax assets and liabilities arising on account of timing differences and which are capable of reversal in subsequent periods are recognised using the tax rates and tax laws that have been enacted or substantively enacted.



Deferred Tax Assets as on 01.04.2014

Less Deferred Tax Charges for 2014-15

Deferred Tax Assets as on 31.03.2015

Deferred Tax Assets as on 01.04.2015

Less Deferred Tax Charges for 2015-16

Deferred Tax Assets as on 31.03.2016

Deferred Tax Assets as on 01.04.2016

Less Deferred Tax Charges for 2016-17

Deferred Tax Assets as on 31.03.2017

Deferred Tax Assets as on 01.04.2017

Less Deferred Tax Charges for 2017-18

Deferred Tax Assets as on 31.03.2018

Deferred Tax Assets as on 01.04.2018

Less Deferred Tax Charges upto Dec' 18

Deferred Tax Assets as on 31.12.2018

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Notes on Legal Language and Legal Writing

Sample Template Example of Notes on Legal Language and Legal Writing in Word / Doc / Pdf Free Download

Note on Cenvat Credit of Sales tax Against Goods Transport Agency Service

1.    Fact of the case :  Service Tax paid in respect of Freight paid to the transporters while selling finished goods to the independent buyer or customers is not admissiable for taking the Cenvat Credit as per the Central Excise authority. But the company has taken the benefit of Cenvat Credit from January’15 to till date
2.    Stand taken by the Deptt.:  Summon issued on 07.11.16 by the Preventive Staff, Mumbai asking to submit the details of freight paid to the transporter & taking the cenvat for the period from 01.01.15 to 31.10.16.

Again Internal Excise Auditors raised Audit Memo Note Dt. 09.10.16 to submit the details of service tax paid against GTA during the year 2015-16.
3.    Pending at what level :  Pending at the statutory authority of Central Excise at Mumbai.
4.    Amount involved :  Rs.25,14,80,360.00 (01.01.15 to 31.10.16)

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Officer in Default in Companies Act 2013

Sample Template Example of Officer in Default in Companies Act 2013 in Word / Doc / Pdf Free Download

Officer in Default

The expression ‘officer in default’ has been defined in Sec.5  of the Companies Act, 1956. The following officers of the Company have been considered as ‘officers in default.’

(a)   the managing director or managing directors;
(b)   the whole-time director or whole-time directors;
(c)   the manager;
(d)   the secretary;
(e)   any person in accordance with whose directions or instructions the Board of directors of the Company is accustomed to act;
(f)    any person charged by the Board with the responsibility of complying with that provision:

Provided that the persons so charged has given his consent in this behalf to the Board.

(g)   where any company does not have any of the officers specified in clauses (a) to (c), any director or directors who may be specified by the Board in this behalf or where no director is so specified, all the directors:

In this connection Circular No.6/94 F.No.3/41/93-CL-V dated 24th June, 1994 which interprets the provision of Sec.5  of the Companies Act 1956 is reproduced hereunder.

The circular has been issued by the DCA based on the decision of the Rajasthan High Court in Ravindra Narayan V. ROC, Jaipur

“The issue relating to correct interpretation of ‘officer who is in default’, as per provision of section 5 of the Companies Act, 1956, has been considered by the Department in the light of the above said judgment of the Hon’ble Rajasthan High Court. The Department is of the view that this judgment has correctly interpreted the provisions of section 5 as amended in 1988. It may, therefore, please be ensured that where the penal provisions provide for punishment of ‘officers in default’, prosecution be filed against the managing director(s), whole-time director(s) and Manager, apart from the Secretary, if any, and the company and only in those cases where there is no such managerial personnel (i.e. managing director / whole-time director / Manager), prosecution be filed against all ordinary directors, apart from the Secretary, if any, and the

It is clear from the aforegoing that liability comes on the ordinary Directors only in case of a ‘Board-managed’ company i.e. a company which does not have any Managing Director. As Rocket has a Managing Director, non-wholetime Directors have not to be treated as ‘officers in default in any case.

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Payment Letter Format in Word

Sample Template Example of Payment Letter Format in Word in Word / Doc / Pdf Free Download

September 15, 2018

M/s Lehari & Co.               
14/5 K L Road
7 start Avenue
Pune 452 525

Dear Sir,

Opinion on SEBI (Substantial)

Acquisition of Shares and Takeover

Regulations 1977 (Takeover Code)


We refer to your Bill No. PUNE/18-19/545 dated 26.08.18 we send herewith  Cheque No.301020 dt.12.09.18 for Rs.22,425/-  (Rupees Twenty two thousand four hundred twenty five only) drawn on Axis Bank after deducting Tax at Source of Rs.2,575/- towards legal  opinion on SEBI (Substantial) Acquisition of Shares and Takeover Regulations 1977.

Please acknowledge receipt.

Thanking you,    

Yours faithfully,


Encl. As above.

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Project Scope Sample Document

Sample Template Example of Project Scope Sample Document in Word / Doc / Pdf Free Download

how to write a project scope

Project Scope - Supply Chain

Project Supply Chain would include a detailed analysis of the supply chain divided into four key domains. While the first domain would be covered first, the other domains would be discussed in mixed sequence depending on your organization’s priorities.

Domain 1: Supply Chain Snapshot

-         Product Offerings – All SKUs (Stock Keeping Units) under Plain and Laminated Plyboard, including the imported SKUs
-         Plant and warehouse locations
-         Key channels and customers
-         Key competitors
-         Logistics – in-house or 3PL
-         Sources of competitive advantage as viewed by our customers – This would include considerations about what matters to the customers the most. For example, if lead time from order to delivery is important to the customers then we need to focus on further minimizing lead times, if cost is the key criteria, then the focus would be on driving efficiency through the chain to minimize cost, if quality is the differentiating factor, then there would be more focus on the plant operations, etc
-         Financials (specifically as they relate to supply chain, and the corresponding trend)
-         Key Performance Indicators – All the above factors would determine the KPIs that we have to manage actively.

Domain 2: Deep-dive into Operations, Planning, and Logistics

-         Forecasting (or Demand Planning)
-         Product Design and its impact on Logistics
-         Manufacturing Planning & Control
-         Inventory Management – Safety Stock, Cycle or Physical count
-         Logistics – Transportation & Warehousing – 3PL/4PL options, load factor (how much weight is loaded on truck), mode (truck Vs inter-modal Vs rail, if it is an option)

Domain 3: Managing Customer and Supplier Relationships

-         Supplier Relationship Management – Vendors from Mumbai & Pune, Captive Plantation, Quality of raw material, opportunity of Vendor-Managed Inventory (vendors manage inventory of raw materials at our plant), formal contracts
-         Customer Relationship Management – Order management, On-time Delivery, opportunity of Vendor-Managed Inventory (we manage inventory at our key customers’ warehouses)

Domain 4: Effective use of IT to enable supply chain

-         SAP ERP – Current usage and Potential
-         Additional innovative technologies to enhance supply chain performance

Domain 5: Market Development
Domain 6: Risk Analysis
Domain 7: Customer behaviour and product-mix

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Published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary Part ii Section 3 Sub-Section (i) in Word Format

Sample Template Example of Published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary Part ii Section 3 Sub-Section (i) in Word Format in Word / Doc / Pdf Free Download

New Delhi, the 16th November, 2007

G.S.R. 720 (E). - In exercise of the powers conferred by clauses (a) and (b) of sub-section (1) of section 642 read with section 610B of the Companies Act, 1956 (1 of 1956), the Central Government hereby makes the following rules to amend the Companies (Central Government’s) General Rules and Forms,
1956, namely: –

1.    (1) These rules may be called the Companies (Central Government’s) General Rules and Forms (Third Amendment) Rules, 2007. (2) These rules shall came into force with effect from the 19th of November 2007.

2. In the Companies (Central Government’s) General Rules and Forms,1956, for rule 4A, the following shall be substituted, namely - “4-A. (1) The promoters of a company under a proposed name or a company seeking to change its name may make an application to the Registrar of Companies of the State in which the registered office of the proposed company or of the company to be or is situated. (2) The application shall be in Form 1A and be accompanied by a fee of rupees five hundred only.

(3) The Registrar shall cause to examine the application as to whether the changed name or the name with which the proposed company is to be registered, as the case may be, is undesirable within the meaning of section 20. In case the name is undesirable, he may reject the same or ask for resubmission of the application with new names or calls for further information, ordinarily within three days of receipt of the application: Provided that the applicants shall be given only upto two opportunities for re-submission of their proposal against the fee paid in the first instance for name availability after the original application is filed. In the event the registrar does not find the proposals so submitted and resubmitted as fit for approval, he shall reject the application after the second re-submission. However, the applicant will be at liberty to file fresh application along with prescribed fee.

(4) Where the Registrar of Companies informs the company or the promoters of the company that the
changed name or the name with which the proposed company is to be registered, as the case may be, is not undesirable, such name shall be available for adoption by the said company or by the said promoters of the company for a period of sixty days from the date the name is allowed:
Provided that if the name so allowed is not adopted on or before the expiry of the period of sixty days from the date it is allowed, the applicant may apply for extension for retention of such name for a further period of thirty days on payment of fifty per cent of the fee prescribed for the application at the initial stage: Also provided that no further extension will be granted after expiry of ninety days from the date the name is allowed in the first instance. The name allowed shall lapse after expiry of sixty or ninety days, as the case may be, from the date it is allowed first:
Provided further that the name allowed by the Registrar before the date of this notification comes into force, if not adopted, shall lapse after the expiry of a period of six months from the date on which the name was
initially allowed or renewed. However, in case the name has not been renewed earlier, the applicant on or before the date of expiry, may apply for one time extension of such name for a further period of thirty days on payment of fifty per cent of the fee prescribed for the application at the initial stage.

[F. No. 2/8/2007-CL.V]
Jitesh Khosla,
Joint Secretary.

Note: The Principal rules were published in the Gazette of India Part II, Section 3, sub-section (i)
vide number G.S.R. 432 dated the 18 th January, 1956 and subsequently amended vide the
following notifications in the Gazette of India:-

Serial    Notification
No.       Number            Number Notification Date

1.         SRO 2535         1.11.1956
2.         SRO 3135         21.12.1956
3.         SRO 237           19.1.1957
4.         SRO 2105         29.1.1957
5.         SRO 3038         28.9.1957
6.         SRO 3867         7.12.1957
7.         GSR 48             22.2.1958
8.         GSR 723           23.8.1958
9.         GSR 750           30.8.1958
10.        GSR 1026         1.11.1958
11.        GSR 14             3.1.1959
12.        GSR 548           9.5.1959
13.        GSR 1140         17.10.1959
14.        GSR 1224         7.11.1959
15.        GSR 1364         12.12.1959
16.        GSR 220           27.2.1960
17.        GSR 595           28.5.1960
18.        GSR 195           18.2.1961
19.        GSR 814           24.6.1961
20.        GSR 1105         9.9.1961
21.        GSR 1408         25.11.1961
22.        GSR 653           12.5.1962         
23.        GSR 344           2.3.1963
24.        GSR 628           13.4.1963
25.        GSR 97            16.1.1965
26.        GSR 822           12.6.1965
27.        GSR 1570         30.10.1965
28.        GSR 368           19.3.1966
29.        GSR 421          18.3.1966
30.        GSR 499           9.4.1966
31.        GSR 743           21.5.1966
32.        GSR 847           4.6.1966
33.        GSR 1266        13.8.1966
34.        GSR 130           20.1.1968
35.        GSR 667           30.6.1973
36.        GSR 327(E)       10.6.1975
37.        GSR 414(E)       16.7.1975
38.        GSR 2596         1.11.1975
39.        GSR 2828         13.12.1975
40.        GSR 154           31.1.1976
41.        GSR 248(E)       24.3.1976
42.        GSR 627           14.5.1977
43.        GSR 24(E)        9.1.1979
44.        GSR 1256         6.10.1979
45.        GSR 555(E)       4.9.1982
46.        GSR 479(E)       22.4.1988
47.        GSR 694(E)       10.6.1988
48.        GSR 782(E)       13.7.1988
49.        GSR 908(E)       7.9.1988
50.        GSR 1032(E)     26.10.1988
51.        GSR 449 (E)      17.4.1989
52.        GSR 510(E)       24.5.1990
53.        GSR 795(E)      18.9.1990
54.        GSR 289(E)       31.5.1991
55.        GSR 614(E)       3.10.1991
56.        GSR 754(E)       26.12.1991
57.        GSR 312(E)       6.3.1992
58.        GSR 353(E)       26.3.1992
59.        GSR 484(E)       11.5.1992
60.        GSR 581 (E)      27.8.1993
61.        GSR 621 (E)      24.9.1993
62.        GSR 286(E)       1.3.1994
63         GSR 598(E)      28.7.1994
64.        GSR 697(E)       20.9.1994
65.        GSR 283(E)       21.3.1995
66.        GSR 424(E)       26.5.1995
67.        GSR 251(E)       21.6.1996
68.        GSR 97(E)        28.2.1997
69.        GSR 126(E)       1.3.1997
70.        GSR 16(E)        6.1.1999
71.        GSR 23(E)        12.1.1999
72.        GSR 130(E)       23.2.1999
73.        GSR 788(E)       29.11.1999
74.        GSR 58(E)        17.1.2000
75.        GSR 363 (E)      27.4.2000
76.        GSR 638(E)      26.7.2000
77.        GSR 836(E)       24.10.2000
78.        GSR 24(E)       15.01.2001
79.        GSR 35(E)       24.01.2001
80.        GSR 51(E)       31.01.2001
81.        GSR 96(E)        14.02.2001
82.        GSR 330(E)       07.05.2002
83.        GSR 5(E)          03.01.2003
84         GSR 479(E)      12.06.2003
85.        GSR 580(E)       24.07.2003
86.        GSR 56(E)        10-02-2006
87.        GSR 555(E)       14-09-2006
88.        GSR 399 (E)      30-05-2007
89.        GSR 500 (E)      24-07-2007

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